Thursday, 7 September 2017

Have you been so happy?

Have you been so happy?
Like when someone holds your hand,
Especially when you least expected,
And suddenly you know
You’re taken care of.

Have you been so happy?
Like tickling someone so much,
And they have the weirdest laugh,
Added with unapologetic noises,
And you kiss them so hard.

Have you been so happy?
Like getting pecked on the neck,
With bear hugs from behind,
And you try to free yourself
From their tightening grip, unsuccessfully.

Have you been so happy?
When their smile makes you entire day,
And even hours of separation are difficult
And all you do is think about them
And to make their day a bit more lively.

Have you been so happy?
Even when you try to look for flaws,
You find none.
And you question if you deserve that much love,
And you promise to love them even more.

Have you been so happy?
That you couldn’t define perfection,
And now you know what it means
When people say that they love someone.
And now suddenly everything makes sense.

Have you been so happy?
That now you’ve started loving yourself,
Because a person taught you.
And now you both grow emotionally
And intellectually and support each other unconditionally.

Have you been so happy?
When just holding them
Gives you immense pleasure.
And you won’t let go,
Even when it annoys them.

Have you been so happy?
When they hug you,
And they just won’t let you go.
And you are busy,
But you still melt in their arms.

Have you been so happy?
You let them annoy you
Because you know that it makes them laugh
And you simply make faces
And they love you even more.

Have you been so happy?
That you can stay all day in bed with them,
Even when you are a clean freak.
And all you do is cuddle,
And it becomes the next day already.

Have you been so happy?
When you don’t have to talk,
Not even a sigh and they know what’s wrong.
And when you can fight the world
And be with them no matter what.

Have you been so happy?
When you get kisses even from far,
Especially at a crowded party,
And you know you’re being protected
Even from the corner of their eyes.

Have you been so happy?
That you wink at them discreetly
And they grin at you calling you a fool
And you make a sad face
And they wink back at you.

Have you been so happy?
When you remember the way they looked at you
When you wore that dress for the first time.
And you couldn’t stop gushing,
Yet you pretended that they didn’t notice.

Have you been so happy?
When all your life
You thought that love didn’t exist
And that it didn’t have any meaning whatsoever,
And now you know that you were so wrong.

Have you been so happy?
That you wear their shirt
Unclean and unwashed
For days at end
Because you’re miles away and you miss them incredibly.

Have you been so happy?
When you can’t stop staring at them
Especially when they laugh
And you think what’s wrong with you
And yet you day dream about being with them.

Have you been so happy?
That you fight with them
Over small and large things
And you talk like insane beings
And yet you can’t spend the night apart.

Have you been so happy?
When you were so broken,
And you knew nothing could heel you
Yet someone came and fixed you
And you wondered if everything was real.

Have you been so happy?
That you fear so much for them,
Fear losing them either emotionally or physically
And yet you brave yourself
Because only you can do so.

Have you been so happy?
That you never trusted someone
And now they know all your secrets
And you couldn’t imagine being so transparent before
And now you really are.

Have you been so happy?
That knowing someone
Inside and out
And knowing loyalty and trust
Which surprises you undoubtedly.

Have you been so happy?
Because I want you to be.
If you haven’t then I hope you’ll be,
Because such love is the only thing
That can heal anything in this entire world.

Monday, 10 July 2017


It's a very normal story
That has lasted generations
A tale in minds of humans
For as long as you could remember
How could it be
Something so satisfyingly simple
And generally generous
Obtain such ranks in the hearts of men
Well how could it be forgotten
For humans are so gullible
Not taking things as they are
But digging until they demean
It's not how people see
But how they change to perceive
It's about this travel
About this dilemma the author faced
To work for self or the society
If only he could understand
The pleasures in loneliness
And kiss of spirituality
How different of an an equation it is
The art of finding true self
If only he could understand
Not the method but the means
And how it would generate ripples in forever
But if only life could understand
To bot be so fickle
And if only man could understand
To not have a mind so gullible
All it takes is time
To overcome the prostitutes of humanity
But how guiltily human smiles
Even at the atrocities of kindness
How long will the story last
No one can ever know
For it's a story of a man
So deep in his own country
Of walls, hatred and frigidity.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Developing disasters

To developing disasters into a work of art,
Like cracked lips sucking onto a lemon,
Like mascara in competition against the wind,
Like red eyes on a smouldering summer Sunday.
Do you do this intentionally?
Or for the love of extortion?
To gain my interest and yet kill me instantly?
Twig in cold like that unlatching friendship,
To a model to keep us apart,
Such stupid intelligence.
And pains indistinguishable,
From diversity in rains,
Of confidentiality,
Of exquisite emotional equivalence,
Of conniving convenience,
And of developing disasters.
How lame the worlds are?
Suffering silently in syndrome.
And make me a gravity of a scar,
Forbidding my immortality,
And basking in attainable attenuations,
Like a paper on the verge of dissolving.
The depth in those wounds remains,
Not with bullets or swords or goons,
But with love and laughter,
And that my friend is the only thing,
In this world that doesn't hurt.