It's a very normal story
That has lasted generations
A tale in minds of humans
For as long as you could remember
How could it be
Something so satisfyingly simple
And generally generous
Obtain such ranks in the hearts of men
Well how could it be forgotten
For humans are so gullible
Not taking things as they are
But digging until they demean
It's not how people see
But how they change to perceive
It's about this travel
About this dilemma the author faced
To work for self or the society
If only he could understand
The pleasures in loneliness
And kiss of spirituality
How different of an an equation it is
The art of finding true self
If only he could understand
Not the method but the means
And how it would generate ripples in forever
But if only life could understand
To bot be so fickle
And if only man could understand
To not have a mind so gullible
All it takes is time
To overcome the prostitutes of humanity
But how guiltily human smiles
Even at the atrocities of kindness
How long will the story last
No one can ever know
For it's a story of a man
So deep in his own country
Of walls, hatred and frigidity.
That has lasted generations
A tale in minds of humans
For as long as you could remember
How could it be
Something so satisfyingly simple
And generally generous
Obtain such ranks in the hearts of men
Well how could it be forgotten
For humans are so gullible
Not taking things as they are
But digging until they demean
It's not how people see
But how they change to perceive
It's about this travel
About this dilemma the author faced
To work for self or the society
If only he could understand
The pleasures in loneliness
And kiss of spirituality
How different of an an equation it is
The art of finding true self
If only he could understand
Not the method but the means
And how it would generate ripples in forever
But if only life could understand
To bot be so fickle
And if only man could understand
To not have a mind so gullible
All it takes is time
To overcome the prostitutes of humanity
But how guiltily human smiles
Even at the atrocities of kindness
How long will the story last
No one can ever know
For it's a story of a man
So deep in his own country
Of walls, hatred and frigidity.