Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Ripples in the path

With the blue fleecy sky,
I stood at the cove of the lake,
The reflection of the roof so high,
I gazed to satisfy the namesake.

A fickle in the eye and I darted the miraculous,
The miraculous tree,
Serene, sizzling in fuss,
I could adore it free.

The aged puckered leaves,
The death bereft rumoured bark,
The far sighted roots I believe,
It was autumn of yellow-a new life’s spark.

And again as I admired,
A leaf indeed another soulless soul,
Oh! Just plucked from the twig the wind hired,
It landed into breath’s bowl.

Indeed lifeless but had had,
Ergo I imagined it be full of ripples,
The illusory of coffin was sad,
It danced and swayed like those nearby beetles.

It dreamingly holding the hand of the wind,
Fell on the water contour,
Again forming ripples and started to unwind,
It had a déjà vu of life and his tree mentor.

It laid there and ricocheted through the ups and down,
It glanced those cumuli,
It smiled and why would it frown?
It said causing an aura within its radii-

“You love to cry,
Because you can't afford to smile,
But would you smile,
When you would love to cry?”

I stopped those tears,
On the losing of a soul,
I controlled my fears,
On the losing of a precious soul!

It said and couldn’t believe,
“Life is just another path we leave a space behind us,
For others to grow and throughout the life heave.”
And I never realized it triggered in my life the coming of a new dusk!

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